1:1 Motherhood Coaching

I know that motherhood isn’t always a walk in the park. My goal is to help you through it’s many transitions — from fighting against burnout and juggling work/home to setting boundaries and prioritizing your values. I am here to help you thrive, not just survive. You don’t achieve balance by scheduling it into existence. Balance is a feeling that comes from within when we feel in control of our choices, recognizing what we are gaining & accepting what has to give.

Certified Life Coach, Jessica Hill, offers 1:1 coaching 

Together we will explore

  • Strategies for reducing overwhelm

  • Reframing mom-guilt so you can fully embrace space for yourself

  • Who you are in this phase of life

  • Your interests, priorities and values

  • Finding manageable ways of introducing these into everyday life

Why bother?

  • To get off that hamster wheel and show up in your life as a fulfilled person. Not just someone in service to others

  • To be present with your family

  • To trust your gut

  • To prioritize yourself

  • To let go of resentment

  • To be content

How it works

  • In this program we will meet weekly or bi-weekly to help you get clear on what you want, what stands in the way of accessing it & how you can build supports to make it happen.

  • Coaching holds space for you to discover, reflect, and create action plans for moving forward. Coaching isn’t about being told what to do. We all have the answers within us, but rarely do we have an opportunity to talk about ourselves without holding back, or feeling guilt for taking up too much of someone’s time, or worrying that the person we are speaking with has self-interest in a certain outcome to our struggles. Coaching provides you with a sounding board, a cheerleader and structure to whatever you are investigating. ⁣⁣

  • You don’t achieve balance by scheduling it into existence. Balance is a feeling that comes from within when we feel in control of our choices, recognizing what we are gaining & accepting what has to give. I can help you do that.

Schedule a complimentary call

If you are curious to learn more or have any questions, schedule a free chat with me here.


  • "We looked at everything on my plate, why I was feeling so overwhelmed, and started working through tools to help simplify my life so that everything is still getting done, but I’m less stressed. I’m excited to continue working on ways to take care of myself so I can be the version of me that I want to be for my family."

    Sarah, working mom

  • "Jessica taught me how to reframe my schedule while balancing my mom role and my identity to feel more fulfilled, confident and happy."

    Victoria, stay-at-home mom


Meet Your Coach, Jessica

I am an entrepreneur and mother of two who has dedicated my career to supporting mothers, particularly during pregnancy and postpartum through The Parent Collective. As a certified life coach, I help women through the many transitions of motherhood; the identity shifts and stresses that go along with them. I reconnect moms to their purpose, by helping to integrate pieces of themselves they may have lost along the way and guiding them toward a more joyful and easeful existence.


Do you have any questions?