Prenatal Series Classes

Our Prenatal Class Series is designed for couples (birth partners are encouraged to attend) to both learn and socialize, over the course of a four-week period. There will be an additional gathering after babies are born with a date to be determined by each group. Each prenatal session is 2 hours with ample time for discussion and relationship building. Our classes are best taken in the third trimester, ideally completed before 36 weeks of pregnancy.


Five Sessions Group Class

Online and in-person sessions are available. Please check the schedule below for options!

Session 1: What to expect in the late stages of pregnancy & early labor

Session 2: Relaxation techniques to help you through the early stages of labor, c-sections, options for pain management & delivery

Session 3: Breastfeeding and bottle feeding information and advice, including latching on, pumping, milk storage, getting on a feeding schedule, and how to manage problems that may arise

Session 4: New baby care including what to expect right after your baby is born, tips for soothing, sleep, simplifying your life, finding the best pediatrician for your family, and managing the postpartum transition. This session also includes demos for diapering, swaddling, burping and bathing your baby.

Post-Delivery Meet Up: A time to reflect on everyone’s birth experience and check in about the transition to parenthood.


Ridgefield , CT

Stamford, CT

Westchester, NY

Fairfield, CT

Tuckahoe, NY


Summit, NJ

Greenwich, CT

Harstdale, NY

Los Angeles, CA

Do you have any questions?