Fair Play Method Coaching

Fair Play is a sustainable solution for rebalancing the distribution of invisible work at home to create space for parents to reimagine their relationship, time and purpose. I work with couples and individuals to develop their Fair Play system, communicate to build connection, and prioritize space for themselves and each other.

PCC-Certified Life Coach & Certified Fair Play Facilitator, Jessica Hill

The Fair Play Method, based on Eve Rodsky’s New York Times bestselling book, Fair Play: A Game Changing Solution For When You Have Too Much To Do and More Life To Live, is a new way of rebalancing the invisible labor of domestic and childcare tasks alongside your partner. It is way of approaching your home as an organization; adopting an ownership mindset so you and your partner can have the freedoms to execute on tasks you are responsible for without fear of someone looking over your shoulder (or feeling the need to look over someone’s shoulder).

With this system, both you and your partner will share your stories — both about your values and expectations around how chores get done, but also about what you need to feel whole as a person. 

    • Acknowledge some of the unhelpful societal message that are holding women back.

    • Discuss boundaries and why saying yes to everything is doing you a disservice.

    • Gain an understanding of the dynamic between you and your partner. How your relationship started and where it is now in terms of domestic work.

    • Craft how to invite your partner to the table for Fair Play and how to explain what’s in it for them.

    • Learn about the game itself. The rules, how to establish a minimum standard of care to ensure both you and you partner are comfortable with the level of execution of tasks and set some ground rules for communication and providing feedback.

    • I will be there with you each week to take small steps toward reimagining your home life along with your partner and rebalancing the weight of the work you are doing as both a partner and parent.

    • 1:1 session with each partner, to hear their perspective, strengths and weaknesses of the relationship, and what they are hoping to accomplish with Fair Play

    • Facilitated conversations to get at what you both value & prioritize as a couple

    • Help you come to agreement with your partner about how tasks are completed

    • Build empathy and trust so you can move past resentment and forward in partnership

    • Create a system so everyone knows where they stand and what is expected of them

    • Craft weekly experiments to help build connection, share feedback and protect space for each other individually and as a couple.


Meet Your Coach, Jessica!

I am an entrepreneur and mother of two who has dedicated my career to supporting mothers, particularly during pregnancy and postpartum. Inspired by my journey into motherhood, I started The Parent Collective, which seeks to equip new parents with the education and support they need to thrive during the early years of parenthood. As a professionally certified life coach, I reconnect moms to their purpose, by helping to integrate pieces of themselves they may have lost along the way and guiding them toward a more joyful and easeful way forward.


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