New Baby Care Classes

New baby care information & advice including what to expect right after your baby is born, tips for soothing, sleep, simplifying your life, finding the best pediatrician for your family, and managing the postpartum transition. This session also includes demos for diapering, swaddling, burping and bathing your baby.

The Parent Collective offers private, individual classes that fit your schedule.


Group Class (zoom)

As a group, parents will learn about what to expect right after their baby is both in appearance and procedures that they will undergo. We offer tips for soothing, sleep, simplifying your life, finding the best Pediatrician for your family, and managing the postpartum transition. This session also includes demos for diapering, swaddling, burping and bathing your baby.


Our classes are reimbursable through most Insurance Provider’s HSA, FSA and HRA. Check with your provider to learn more.

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